This month’s History of the Sesh will look at the history of the Tiki or Tropical drinks movement, from post WWII escapism to modern discussions of cultural prohibition, through it’s many ups and downs through the ages.
We’ll start with a classic tiki cocktail sample before you get involved by shaking a full sized drink. We’ll then cover the origins of Trader Vic and Don the Beachcomber and why their visions were so eagerly enjoyed by patrons in the US then further afield, the classic versions of drinks vs the infinite number of variations on offer, and how the use of cultural iconography and even the term Tiki can be problematic. We’ll then finish by shaking up your final cocktail.
During the 1.5-2 hour session you’ll receive five drinks:
- 2 full sized cocktails
- 3 1/2 sized cocktail samples
This one is all about rum of various styles so expect plenty of it!